Thursday, 27 October 2016



Microbiological contamination refers to the non-intended or accidental introduction of infectious material like bacteria, yeast, mold, fungi, virus, prions, protozoa or their toxins and by-products. Major contamination sources are water, air, dust, equipment, sewage, insects, rodents, and employees. Contamination of raw materials can also occur from the soil, sewage, live animals, external surface, and the internal organs of meat animals. Airborne microorganisms are biological airborne contaminants (also known as bio-aerosols) like bacteria, viruses or fungi as well as airborne toxins passed from one victim to the next through the air, without physical contact, causing irritation at the very least. So, microbiologists need to be careful while dealing with airborne microorganisms which have the potential for contamination. The risk of getting contamination can be avoided by careful observation of simple precautions.
The human body is made up of about 10 trillion cells, but hosts 100 trillion more. The vast majority of cells living on and in the body are bacteria and other microbes. For example, normal human skin is colonized by bacteria, with total aerobic bacterial counts ranging from more than 1 × 106 CFU/cm2 on the scalp, 5 × 105 CFU/cm2 in the axilla and a ranged from 3.9 × 104 to 4.6 × 106 CFU/cm2 on our hands. Total Viable Count (TVC) gives a quantitative idea about the presence of microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast and mold in a sample. To be specific, the count actually represents the number of colony forming units (CFU) per g (or per ml) of the sample. A TVC is achieved by plating dilutions of the culture until 30-300 colonies exist on a single plate.
            Microorganisms can enter the body through the four sites which are respiratory tract (mouth and nose), gastrointestinal tract (mouth oral cavity) e.g. Vibrio cholerae which causes cholera, urogenital tract e.g. Escherichia coli which causes cystitis and lastly, breaks in the skin surface e.g. Clostridium tetani which causes tetanus. The skin and mucous membranes always harbor a variety of microorganisms that can be arranged into two groups which are the resident microorganisms and transient microorganisms. 
Resident microorganisms, also known as commensal microorganisms are microorganisms that resides in the body such as a bacteria or yeast but that doesn’t cause harm or negatively impact health. Resident microorganisms typically colonize the surface of the skin, mucous membranes, digestive tract, upper respiratory system and distal portion of the urogenital system. The factors that make pathogenesis is more likely include a breach in the mechanical skin barrier due to injury, a skin disease or an invasive medical device, immune suppressant medication, immunocompromise due to cancer or HIV, extremes of age and individual genetic factors.
Transient microorganisms consists of non-pathogenic or potentially pathogenic microorganisms derived from environment that inhabit the skin or upper respiratory tract. Although they may attempt to colonize the same areas of the body as do resident microorganisms, but they are unable to remain in the body for extended periods of time due to difficulty competing with established resident microbes, elimination by the body’s immune system and physical or chemical changes within the body that discourage the growth of transient microbes.
Infection is the invasion and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in the body. When we are infected by pathogens we become sick, which means that our bodies stop functioning properly. Infectious agents, such as bacteria, a virus, fungi or protozoa cause communicable diseases which can be spread from one person to another. Infection caused by pathogens that take advantage of an opportunity not normally available is known as opportunistic infection. This type of infection normally happened to a host with weakened immune system, an altered microbiota (such as a disrupted gut flora), or breached integumentary barriers.
As the bacteria consume the nutrients, they begin to grow and multiply. This generates thousands to millions to billions of cells that begin to pile up, becoming visible to the naked eye. This pile of cells originates from one cell and is called a bacterial colony. Each species of bacteria produces a colony that looks different from the colonies produced by other species of bacteria. Examination of the form and structure of bacterial colonies is termed colony morphology and is one of the first steps in characterizing and identifying a bacterial culture. The basic characteristics of colony morphology that are typically evaluated are the form, size, shape, texture, elevation, color and surface.

Figure 1: Characteristics of colony morphology

            The pour plate method involved molten application of all of the agar subsequently found within a plate or instead application of just a thin, top layer of agar as seen with the soft agar overlay technique. Note that it is important in overlay methods to employ agar that is sufficiently warm but not too warm. A typically temperature employed is 45°C. This prevents premature solidification of the agar while at the same time, ideally, does not excessively overheat organisms. While doing pour plate method, one must ensure no molten agar is splashed over the side or lid of the plate. An inoculated plate must be incubated in an inverted position to prevent condensation from falling onto the surface of the agar and interfering with discrete colony formation.

Figure 2: Pour plate method

            Streak plate technique is used for the isolation into pure culture of the organisms (mostly bacteria), from mixed population. The inoculum is streaked over the agar surface in such a way that it “thins out” the bacteria. Some individual bacterial cells are separated and well spaced from each other. As the original sample is diluted by streaking it over successive quadrants, the number of organisms decreases. Usually by the third or fourth quadrant only a few organisms are transferred which will give discrete colony forming units (CFU). When these lone bacterial cells divide and give rise to thousands and thousands of new bacterial cells, an isolated colony is formed. Pure cultures can be obtained by picking well isolated colonies and re-streaking these on fresh agar plates. While streaking the inoculum, make sure surface of the plate is free of droplets of condensed moisture. Then, use only a small amount of inoculums and streak lightly so that one does not gouge the agar.

Figure 3: Streak plate method

Figure 4: Results of streak plate method

To determine the microorganisms in the air and from the healthy humans.

Materials and reagents

Molten commercial nutrient agar
Molten self-made nutrient agar
Sterile water
Sterile petri dishes
Sterile clinical swab
Pipette and tips
Bunsen burner
70% ethanol


1.      The work bench is sterilized with 70% ethanol.
2.      Sources of contamination are labelled at the bottom of sterile petri dishes.
3.      The cap of the Scott bottle which contains commercial nutrient agar is removed. The neck of the Scott bottle is flame-sterilized using Bunsen burner.
4.      The lid of the sterile petri dish is opened slightly, then the commercial nutrient agar is poured slowly into the sterile petri dish.
5.      The lid of the sterile petri dish is replaced immediately.
6.      The cap and the neck of Scott bottle is flame-sterilized again and is recapped.
7.      The sterile petri dish is left to settle down until the agar is set.
8.      Step 3 to step 7 are repeated using molten self-made nutrient agar.

Sources of contamination:

A.  Air

1.      The lid is removed from the plate and is left to rest on the side of the plate, facing down. The plate is left to be exposed for about 5 minutes. The lid is replaced.
2.      The dish is inverted and is incubated at 37°C for 48 hours.

B.  Hands

1.      Hand is washed using sterile water. Soap is not allowed to use.
2.      An automatic pipette is used to transfer 1ml of wash water to the petri dish.
3.      The molten nutrient agar is added to the petri dish.
4.      The lid of petri dish is replaced and the dish is gently rotated by doing 5 times figure of ‘8’ motion until the wash water is thoroughly mixed with the molten agar. The agar is not allowed to contact with the lid of the dish.
5.      The dish is inverted and is incubated at 37°C for 48 hours after the agar has set.

 C.  Ear

1.      A sterile swab moistened with sterile isotonic solution is rubbed into the ear of the subject using extreme care.
2.      The lid is removed. The swab is used to inoculate the labelled plate. The inoculum is distributed in streak method. The lid is replaced.
3.      The dish is inverted and is incubated at 37°C for 48 hours.

D.  Normal Breathing

1.      The lid is removed. The plate is held about 15cm from the mouth and breathe normally but directly onto the plate for one minute. The lid is replaced.
2.      The dish is inverted and is incubated at 37°C for 48 hours.

E.  Violent Coughing

1.      The lid is removed. The plate is held about 15cm from the mouth and cough violently onto the agar. The lid is replaced.
2.      The dish is inverted and is incubated at 37°C for 48 hours.

Figure 5: All petri dishes are inverted and are incubated at 37°C for 48 hours.

Result and observation

1.      1.   Air

Figure 6: Sample from the air as the source for contamination.

(Left: Commercial agar, Right: Self-made nutrient broth agar)

2.   Hand
                      Figure 7: Sample from the hand as the source for contamination.

(Left: Commercial agar, Right: Self-made nutrient broth agar)

3.   Ear          


                                                     Figure 8: Sample from the ear as the source for contamination.
(Left: Self-made nutrient broth agar, Right: Commercial agar) 

 4.   Normal Breathing

Figure 9: Sample from the normal breathing as the source for contamination. 
 (Left: Commercial agar, Right: Self-made nutrient broth agar)

5.  Violent Coughing

                       Figure 10: Sample from the violent coughing as the source for contamination.

(Left: Self-made nutrient broth agar, Right: Commercial agar)

 Based on the observation (shown from Figure 6 to 10), the forms, elevation, surfaces, textures, margins and colors of the microorganism colonies are tabulated below (shown in Table 1):

Table 1: The forms, elevation, surfaces, textures, margins and colors of the microorganism colonies in self-made nutrient broth agar and commercial agar.

Type of Agar
Self-made nutrient broth agar

White, Yellow, Pale yellow.






White, Yellow, Pale yellow.






White, Yellow, Pale.

Irregular, Circular.




Normal Breathing
Semi-transparent, White, Pale Yellow.

Rhizoid, Circular.




Semi-transparent, White.





Commercial Agar

Semi-transparent, White, Pale Yellow, Yellow.

Rhizoid, Circular.





White, Yellow, Pale yellow.

Circular, Irregular.





White, Yellow, Pale yellow.

Circular, Irregular.




Normal Breathing
Semi-transparent, Pale Yellow.

Rhizoid, Circular.





Yellow, White







            Microorganisms will grow in a very high rate under favorable environmental conditions and vital nutrients required. As the microorganisms grow, colonies are formed. Different microorganisms produce colonies with different appearances called “colony morphology”. There are seven aspects in “colony morphology” such as form, elevation, size, surface, texture, color and margin.

A)    Air

            The culture media are exposed to the air outside the laboratory. The air always has many types of microorganisms floating around. Thus, the observation from the culture media shows that there are different microorganisms growing on the agar. Typically, Staphylococci, Bacillus and Clostridium can be found in the air.

B)    Hand

            The similarities between both culture media is that the number of colonies formed are high. This indicates that our hands contain lots of microorganisms as we make contact with objects contaminated by Streptococcus, Mycobacteria, Haemophilus and etc.

C)    Ears

            Streak method is used to transfer the microorganisms collected on the ear swab from our ears to the culture media. From the observation, large number of microorganisms are found on the agar. This is because our ears are exposed to the air. Microorganisms that usually can be found on the ears are Candida albican, Corynebacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.

D)    Normal breathing

            The presence of colonies in the culture media shows that microorganisms can also be found in the mouth and nasal cavity. Compared to other culture media, there is relatively low number of colonies from the contamination of normal breathing. Examples of microorganisms are Streptococcus, Haemophilus, Micrococcus and Corynebacterium diphtheriae.

E)     Violent coughing

            The observations are similar to that from the normal breathing due to same sources of contamination, that is mouth and nasal cavity. However, coughing forces more air out of the mouth and therefore slightly more colonies are found in the culture media. Examples of microorganisms are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus salivarius and Staphylococcus epidermidis.


            From this experiment, we can conclude that microorganisms are able to grow provided that the environmental conditions introduced to them are suitable. Both the commercial agar and self-made nutrient agar provide favorable environment and sufficient nutrients for microorganisms to grow. Then, we know that more microorganisms are found outside the body like hands and ears than inside the body that are obtained from normal breathing and violent coughing. Furthermore, we are able to identify microorganisms according to the colony morphology. For example, bacteria colony typically has a smooth surface. In contrast, fungi colony usually has a rough surface.


1 comment:

  1. Discussion and Introduction must emphasize on the differences of colonies between commercial media and manually prepared media. Any differences?
    Discussion must also include on the different morphologies observed
